Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wing Tattoos And Meanings-Wing Tattoo Ideas And Designs

One of the most common wing tattoo meanings is that they represent "freedom". Freedom is portrayed by all wing tattoos. Angels, birds, butterflies, and anything else with wings has the ability to go wherever they want to go. Wing tattoos are a great way to represent your freedom and independence.

As you read earlier, there are a variety of different symbols that are portrayed with wing tattoos. You can see wings in a variety of different designs. The cross and wings are probably one of the more common tattoo designs you will see. They can be used to represent life after death or represent a lost loved one. They are portrayed with a cross and wings.

Another popular design with wings is the heart and wing tattoo. The heart and wing tattoo can represent a variety of different things. It can be used to represent love and aspirations or the way love makes you feel, like you are flying. Most importantly, it represents what you want it to represent.

People get wing tattoos for all kinds of different reasons. Some people like the symbolic meaning and others like the design. For whatever reason it may be, wing tattoos are a beautiful way to represent your religion, life, love, and many more things. You can find wings on butterflies, birds, dragonflies, bats, angels, gargoyles, and many others. Anyone of these can be used in tattoo designs and hold its own symbolic meaning. Make sure you research and look over all possible designs that you may like. Remember to review the tattoo artist and their work before you get your tattoo inked.

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