Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tattoos, Tattoo Supplies And The New Millennium

You may not realise it, but we are currently living in the second decade of this new millennium. For those of you who knew that congratulations, for those of you who didn't know that, wake up and pour yourself a coffee. People are always thinking up ways in which they can celebrate the dawning of a new year or new era and one of the most popular ways that people pick is to get some form of body modification done to their body, whether it is body piercing or tattooing something on to their body.I had already done the prior thing when I was younger, so for 2010 I decided that I would do the later, and because I was also experiencing a landmark birthday. I contacted a number of friends to see if they knew of a reliable tattoo artist who could perform the work. A lot of them recommended me to various websites, but unfortunately when I visited the sites all I could see was a mountain of tattoo supplies and accessories, things that you might need during or after the tattoo had taken place, you know tattoo supplies like cream or gauze to bandage up the scar afterwards.Eventually I did manage to find a tattoo artist with a good website that enabled me to view some of their previous work. After I had decided on the artist it was time to meet up and discuss what I wanted to achieve out of the tattoo session, I described the design I wanted to have and also where on the body, I was reassured that it wouldn't be too painful. We arrange to meet again in a week so the artist could work on the design and also order in whatever tattoo supplies that might be needed.Although I was sure that not too many tattoo supplies would be needed for my little tattoo I knew all too well about the amount of different products that existed on the market. When I arrived the following week I got to see the design, which wasn't too complicated and after declaring myself happy with it, we scheduled an appointment for the following day when the tattoo would actually be performed. Despite pre-tattoo nerves it seemed to pass off without a hitch, all the necessary tattoo supplies were there and I needn't have worried about the pain, it was exactly as described like scratching on the surface of the skin. The only thing I need to watch out for now is to make sure that I don't get the tattoo bug and go back for several more.

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