Skin is the outer covering of the body, it consists of an outer layer
called epidermis and an inner layer called the dermis. Beneath that is fatty
tissue. The epidermis protects the body from injury and invasion of parasites.
Skin is waterproof and helps contain water in the body. Skin also excretes
poisons (sweat) and also acts as a sense organ. The point here is that skin is
not some board to be etched on but an actual working, organism to be dealt with
carefully, so extra sensitivity is needed.
Up to a point, all skin shares a common bond and
certain characteristics. Beyond that, the variation is infinite. You should be
aware of this because eventually you will come in contact uvih it all. Some
people's skin is quite fluky while others are naturally oily. Some skin seems to
reject ink through an entire tattoo, and some accepts it quite readily. Certain
people have extremely sensitive skin and others just the opposite, totally
impervious to abrasion, as it seems. You should be aware of the type of skin
that you are dealing with. For example, you shouldn’t grab everyone the same
way, some bruise more easily. Be open to individual needs. No matter what skin
type a person has, it can all be somewhat equalized in texture by keeping it
moist. Always keep the skin lubricated with vaseline or bacitracin ointment
while working on it A good tattoo does not have to go extremely deep to stay
permanent, but can survive quite satisfactorily In just the epidermis layers of
the skin.
One of the
major bonuses that you have working with skin is in its elasticity. It
stretches a lot. In order to perform any kind of precise work and to get the
ink in correctly, the skin must be taut. It's important that the skin be
stretched tightly like a drum so the needles don't bounce, or get hung up in
the skin. If the skin isn't very tight, your lines will go from too strong to
too weak. If it is too strong, you have gone way too deep and a big fat line
with "knots" in it may occur and scar tissue will usually result.
If the skin isn't stretched tight, it will be difficult
to get the color to go in the skin. The needles will bounce off the skin
instead of penetrating it. It may look like the ink is getting in all right,
but it could be an illusion and be getting in on only the very top layer of
epidermis. Keep the area you have just finished clean so you can see how solid
the color is. Use a magnifying glass, if necessary, and stretch the skin while
you are examining it.
If you are
working on an arm or a leg, grasp the back of it. Squeeze firmly, but not so
tight as to cramp your hand or bruise the more sensitive person.
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Ifyou are
working on a back, chest, breast or bottom or somewhere where you can’t grab
the backorit to stretch, you will have to st retch it with your free hand. You
do this by cradling the tattoo area between the “V" formed between the
thumb and the forefinger. Make contact with as much finger skin on the area as
possible to make more “drag" to hold the skin better.
If lhe skin is slippery, put a clean paper towel down first, it will
help keep your hand from slipping. Plus, you can always use the paper towel in
your fri>e hand for wiping, if necessary.
If a stencil is put on while the skin is stretched. It will look
different when it Isn't stretched. So, check the stencil after it is on while
the customer is standing in a natural position to make sure it looks right
before you start. Even if you have to make a new stencrf pririf, do rc until
it’s right, tf thestendf print isn’t correct, the tattoo isn't going to look
right. Paper stencils are much easier to use for large back designs than are
acetate stencils. Also, the print from the hectograph ink used on the paper
stencil will not smear as does stencil powder used on the acetate stencil.
To put a stencil on the back, have the customer stand straight up and
fully relaxed. After the stencil is on, you can put them in any position you
like, to do the actual tattooing.
If it’s a large tattoo, you may want to enlist the help of a friend to
help stretch the skin. If so. have them wash up good with soap and hot water.
Then spray>ir hands good with rubbing alcohol before starting. Make
sure they are wearing clean clothes, and a pair of latex gloves also. Keep it
Give your helper a paper towel. Have him sit across the bench from you
and hold onto the other side of your customer's skin. To do this, have him
spread out the fingers on both hands to cover as wide an area as possible,
about six inches from that side of the tattoo. Have him toward you from below
the tattoo, giving your machine hand plenty of room to maneuver. Most of the
time your helpers will tire out easily in this position. Another “hold" is
m have him sort oNcan on the customer ami use his entire forearm to hold the
skin while the arm is bent at a 90 degree angle at the elbow.
If no friends are to be found, you can stretch a large area by using the
outside of your left palm, ringand JitfJe finger to push upward.*. UseywjrMHle fingers/iiI the
outside of
your right palm to pull down as you tattoo with thesame hand. This is easier
than it sounds and it gets easier with practice.
These elaborate stretching procedures are mainly for the outline, so you
don't smear any of the lines on the stencil before it has been all outlined.
Once the outline i.s on. you can easily stretch small areas of skin as you
proceed through the rest of the operation, using your left hand, as
illustrated, to do the stretching,
A short word is in order here about some of the first skin you will come
in contact with. You win need some skin to practice on. You are going to need
some skin of some kind to learn on and get the basic feel of things. In the
beginning, start on yourself. If you are right handed, you can cover most
ol'your left arm and both legs yourself Why not ’ You want to tattoo don't you?
Let’s not get squeamish. It's better to make mistakes on yourself first than on
other people. If you plan to make a career in tattooing, you'll find it
difficult to market a product which you yourself don’t endorse. Once you’ve
covered yourself with fine tattoos, it's time to start looking for friends. You
can always find people to work on for free, who aren’t that particular at
first. Usually a deal can be made where if you tattoo them for free, they will
advertise around where they got it. It’s a good form of practice for you. They
get a good free tattoo, you get to work on different people, and you also get
the benefit of some free advertising.
There is no problem tattooing a dark skinned person. Of course, the
tattoo will not stand out as much as it does on white skin, especially if the
person has real black skin. Contrary to belief, white ink is not the solution
to tattooing black skin. Red and black tattoo ink wilt show up the best. Forget
about using white, it doesn't even look good under black skin. On Latins,
Mexican or Oriental people, all tattoo colors will show up well. Some dark
skinned people will hesitate in getting tattooed because they think it won't
show well on their skin. This is when you should do a bit of public relations
work and assure them that the tattoo will look just great. Having a couple of
photos of previous customers with dark skin showing their new tattoo will help
convince the reluctant prospect. Another thing you should keep in mind is try
to have a real dark skinned person get the tattoo on the inside of his forearm,
they are usually a bit lighter in this area and the tattoo will stand out more
vividly. Don't forget if it is a profile tattoo, have it facing outboard on the
inside of the arm and inboard if it is on the outside of the arm.
Some areas of the body are easier to tattoo than others. On a male, the
easiest places are the forearm, upper arms and legs. The most popular and
easiest areas for the female are on the shoulder blades, breasts and hips. The
fleshy portion of the upper breast (above the nipple) is the easiest spot for a
woman to get a tattoo. Women seem to take a tattoo a lot easier than a man.
This is due to the fact that they have a naturally higher threshold of pain and
also an extra layer of fat in their skin than men do.
Some thought should go behind
the actual placement of tattoos, such as the size and shape of the design as
opposed to the size and shape of the skin area being tattooed. A large flying
bird spanning left to right would look a little awkward on askinnyarm that
hangs basically up and down, TVy to use the lines of the tattoo to enhance the
curves of the body part, this will be making moreofanartisticstatementthanjust
slamming any tattoo in any position.
Bird and butterfly tattoos
swirling around to conform to the natural
curves of a breast
Use a design
that is compatible in size and shape to the area it's going to be on. For
example, on the forearm, use a long design that goes up and down the arm from
elbow to wrist, also taper it so it conforms to the bulge in the upper forearm
and slims down as it comes down to the wrist area. Small, rounder shapes work
well on shoulders. Large, round ones on the chest or back. Oblong designs are
great for biceps and legs.
Small tattoos don’t usually look that good on large
areas and seem to get lost. Large tattoos squeezed into small areas are
confusing and usually the entire picture isn't visible from one angle.
Sometimes what looks the best isn't necessarily what the customer wants.
It isn't your job to argue with them, after all, they're always right, but it does
help to make a few .suggestions and to state how you view things. People will
usually consider what you have to say.
The direction a tattoo faces also should be considered. Although the
customer always has the final say, a general rule to follow is that a tattoo that
is in profile (or partial view turned) should always face to the front of the
person. That is, don’t have them pointing backwards to the rear. Some examples
are shown below.
Depending on where the tattoo is located, (some on the left side, some
on the right) and what the tattoo looks like, you may need two stencils of the
same design. On acetate, just engrave both sides, having both a left and right
image. Before randomly applying a stencil, give it a couple of turns and try
different directions to see which way the design would look its best Try to he
a little artistic and spend a little time shuffling the stencil around.

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